

该成语正确的读音为xixi rangrang,前两字为第一声,后两字为第三声。但问题所引述的原文中有别字,正确的应为“熙熙攘攘皆为利往”。整句话的读音为xixi rangrang jie wei li wang,熙熙攘攘。文出白《史记·货殖列传》:“天下熙熙,皆为;天下壤壤(攘攘),皆为利往。”(熙熙、攘攘:纷杂的样子)后用“熙熙攘攘”形容人来人往、喧闹纷杂的样子。

第三人称单数: rings  复数: rings  现在分词: ringing  过去式: rang  过去分词: rung  二、词语搭配  ring back给…回;给…再打  ring in(给工作单位等)打  ring out(声音)响亮,嘹亮  ring off挂断  ring species环物种 ; 环形种 ; 环系物种  prime ring素环 ; 传统的素圈  三、双语例句  1.The story had a familiar ring to it.  这个故事听起来耳熟。  2.The ring was specially made for her.  这枚戒指是为她订做的。  3.I rang round all the travel agents in the area.  我打询问了那个地区所有的'旅行社。

一、hardly,scarcely,barely这几个否定副词常与 when 搭配,当它们置于句首时,句子用部分倒装,而且倒装发生在主语和助动词之间,通常此时主句用过去完成时,when 从句用一般过去时,意为“刚…,就…”,表示两件事接踵而至。1. hardlyHardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang.我刚睡觉就响了。Hardly had I arrived home when my phone rang.我刚到家就响了。2. scarelyScarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car.我刚下公共汽车,它就撞上了一辆汽车的后部。Scarcely had she finished reading when she fell asleep.她刚读完书就睡着了。3. barelyBarely had they won the match when the coach had a heart attack.他们刚赢得比赛,教练就心脏病发作了。Barely had Jack reached the place when Jim started arguing with him.杰克刚到那个地方,吉姆就开始和他争论起来。注意:当 hardly,scarcely 或 barely 置于 any 及其组合词如 anyone,anything,anybody 或名词短语等前面且置于句首时,句子不用倒装结构,例如:Hardly anyone passed the exam.几乎没有人通过考试。Scarcely a day goes by when they don't see or talk to each other.他们几乎天天见面或说话。二、never,seldom,rarely,little,nowhere,…这几个否定或近似否定的副词置于句首时,句子的主语和助动词要倒装。1. neverNever had she seen such a beautiful sight before.她以前从未见过如此美丽的景色。Never have we faced such a challenge!我们从来没有面对过这样的挑战!2. seldomSeldom have I seen such beautiful work.我很少看到这么漂亮的作品。Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.我们很少看到如此精彩的舞蹈表演。3. rarelyRarely will you hear such beautiful music.你很少能听到如此美妙的音乐。Rarely has there been so much speculation about the future of the company.很少有人对公司的未来有如此多的猜测。4. littleLittle did he know!他一点也不知道!Little did she understand what the conversation was about.她一点也不明白谈话的内容。5. nowhereNowhere have I ever had such bad service.我从未有过如此糟糕的服务。Nowhere will you come across a more hospitable nation.你不会遇到一个更热情好客的国家。三、only then,only later,only recently,only in this way,only on one point,only now,…only + 副词或 only + 介词短语,置于句首时,句子的主语和助动词要倒装。1. only thenonly then did I understand why the tragedy had happened.直到那时我才明白为什么悲剧发生了。2. only lateronly later did she really think about the situation.直到后来她才真正考虑到这种情况。3. only recentlyonly recently have I become convinced that we made the right decision in moving. 直到最近,我才肯定了搬家的决定是正确的。4. only in this wayonly in this way could John earn enough money to survive.只有这样约翰才能挣到足够的钱来生存。5. only on one pointonly on one point do I agree with you. 只有一点,我同意你的说法。6. only nowonly now can I understand what really happened.只有现在我才能理解到底发生了什么。四、 not only … butNot only … but also … 前后连接两个句子时,not only 后的句子要用部分倒装,但 but also 后的分句不用倒装。Not only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.他不仅喜欢巧克力和糖果,而且还抽烟。Not only can I speak English, but I can also speak French.我不仅会说英语,而且还会说法语。五、no sooner跟 hardly/scarcely/barely … when 意思一样,no sooner 常跟 than 搭配,置于句首时,句中的主语和助动词要倒装,通常主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时,意为“刚…,就…”,表示两件事接踵而至,其中 sooner 是 soon 的比较级。No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.我们刚到家,警察就按响了门铃。No sooner had the company launched its new product than it went bankrupt.公司刚推出新产品,就破产了。有的时候主句也用一般过去时,例如:No sooner did I arrive at the station than the train came.我刚到车站火车就来了。No sooner did we hear the noise than we rushed to the spot.我们刚听到噪音就赶到了现场。六、in no way,on no account,on no condition,under no circumstances1. in no way,意为“决不,一点也不”In no way do I agree with what you're saying.我决不同意你说的话。In no way can this government deny its guilt.这个决不能否认自己有罪。2. on no account,意为“决不,一点也不”On no account should you do anything without asking me first.你决不能不先问我就做任何事。On no account will I compromise my ideals.我决不会放弃我的理想。3. on no condition,意为“决不,无论如何不”On no condition will the company bear responsibility for lost property.公司无论如何都不会对丢失的财产承担责任。4. under no circumstances,意为“决不,无论如何不”Under no circumstances are you allowed to disturb the pilots.在任何情况下你都不准打扰飞行员。七、not once,not + 其他成分Not once 或 not + 其他成分,意为“…也不…”,例如:Not once did she look at me at the party.在聚会上她一次也没看我一眼。Not in a million years will I go back to that hotel.我再过一百万年也不会那家旅馆了。八、从句倒装的几种情况1. not until,意为”直到…才…“Not until I saw John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe.直到亲眼见到约翰,我才真正相信他是安全的。Not until I filled my glass did I notice that it was broken.直到我倒满了杯子,我才注意到它碎了。2. not since,意为”自从…以来,从未…“Not since Lucy left college had she had such a wonderful time.自从露西大学毕业以来,她从未有过这么愉快的时光。3. only after,意为”只有…之后才…“only after I'd seen her flat did I understand why she wanted to live there.只有看过她的公寓后我才明白她为什么要住在那里。only after finishing your homework can you play.只有做完作业你才能玩。4. only when,意为”只有当…,才…”only when we'd all arrived home did I feel calm.只有当我们都到家的时候,我才感到平静。only when I myself became a parent did I realize the value of my parents' advice.只有当我自己为人父母时,我才意识到父母建议的价值。5. only if,意为“只有…,才…”only if everybody agreed would I accept this position.只有大家都同意,我才能接受这个职位。only if we invest more money can we save the company.只有我们投资更多的钱,我们才能拯救公司。

没有嚷字开头成语,嚷字不能成语接龙。嚷有关词语:叫叫嚷嚷 [ jiào jiào rāng rang ] 比喻大叫大嚷,吵吵闹闹。叫嚷[ jiào rǎng ] 喊叫。吵嚷[ chǎo rǎng ] 乱喊叫;乱哄哄地争吵。喧嚷[ xuān rǎng ] 喧哗;大声喊叫。嚷叫[ rǎng jiào ] 叫喊。嘟嚷[ dū rǎng ] 说话含糊不清,也带有小声抱怨的意思。

有很多。震耳欲聋[ zhèn ěr yù lóng ] 形容声音很大,耳朵都快震聋了。吵吵嚷嚷[ chāo chao rāng rang ] 就是形容很嘈杂、很乱。人声鼎沸[ rén shēng dǐng fèi ] 鼎:古代煮食器;沸:沸腾。 形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷,就像煮开了锅一样。人欢马叫[ rén huān mǎ jiào ] 人在呼喊,马在嘶鸣。形容一片喧闹声。此起彼伏[ cǐ qǐ bǐ fú ] 这里起来,那里下去。形容接连不断。
