因为用英语怎么说 1. Because

导读因为用英语怎么说?在英语中表达“因为”的时候,我们可以使用不同的单词和词组,具体使用哪种方式取决于句子结构和语境。下面是一些常用的表示“因为”的方式。1. Because“Because”是最常见的表



1. Because


I didn't go to the party because I was tired.(我没去聚会,因为我累了。)

She missed the train because she overslept.(她错过了火车,因为她睡过头了。)

2. Due to

“Due to”通常用于正式文体,表示“由于”、“因为”,它可以和名词或动名词连用。例如:

The flight was delayed due to bad weather.(航班因天气恶劣而延误。)

He couldn't attend the meeting due to his illness.(由于他生病了,他不能参加会议。)

3. Owing to

“Owing to”是一个比较正式的用语,表示“由于”,通常用于文章和演讲中。例如:

Owing to his excellent academic record, he got the scholarship.(由于他出色的学术纪录,他获得了奖学金。)

Owing to the current situation, we need to take immediate action.(由于当前的情况,我们需要立刻采取行动。)

4. On account of

“On account of”表示“因为”,通常用于口语中。例如:

We couldn't go for a picnic on account of the rain.(由于下雨,我们不能去野餐。)

On account of poor visibility, we had to cancel the flight.(由于能见度差,我们不得不取消航班。)

5. Thanks to

“Thanks to”和“因为”的意思有些不同,它表示某个情况或事物的好处或影响。例如:

Thanks to your help, I finished the project on time.(由于你的帮助,我及时完成了这个项目。)

Thanks to his efforts, we won the game.(由于他的努力,我们赢得了比赛。)

