英语四级总分 Starting from the Basics

导读My Journey to Achieving a Four-CET ScoreAs an international student studying in China, one of my big

My Journey to Achieving a Four-CET Score

As an international student studying in China, one of my biggest challenges was passing the English proficiency tests required by my university. There were different levels of tests, but the most important one was the English four-CET score, which determined whether I was eligible to enroll in advanced courses. After much hard work and determination, I finally achieved a four-CET score. Here’s how I did it:

Starting from the Basics

Before taking the four-CET exam, I realized that my English was not strong enough. I first started by reviewing the basics: grammar rules, sentence structures, and vocabulary lists. I found a lot of helpful resources online, such as language learning apps and online English classes. I also started reading English articles, listening to English podcasts, and watching English movies to immerse myself in the language.

Practicing Past Exams

once I was confident with the basics, I started practicing past four-CET exams. This allowed me to get a feel for the types of questions I would encounter during the exam and helped me to better understand the testing format. I also found that practicing past exams helped me to improve my time management skills.

Working with a Tutor

During my preparation for the four-CET exam, I decided to work with a tutor. She helped me to identify my weaknesses and provided me with personalized study plans to improve my skills. She was patient and supportive throughout the entire process, and her guidance was instrumental in my success. Having a tutor also helped me to stay accountable and motivated.

Joining a Study Group

I also joined a study group with fellow students who were preparing for the same exam. We met regularly to practice past exams, review grammar rules, and share study tips. Being part of a study group allowed me to learn from my peers and get feedback on my performance. It also made the preparation process less lonely and more fun.

Staying Focused and Consistent

Preparing for the four-CET exam was not easy, and there were times when I felt discouraged. However, I knew that consistency was key. I made a daily study schedule and stuck to it as much as possible, even when I didn’t feel motivated. I also made sure to take breaks and have fun in between study sessions to avoid burnout.


Passing the English four-CET exam was a huge accomplishment for me. It opened up many opportunities and gave me the confidence to use English in academic and professional settings. My journey was not easy, but it was definitely worth it. For those who are also preparing for the four-CET exam, I hope my experience has provided some helpful insights and tips for your own preparation.














