

禄丰客 幼苗共回答了14个问题采纳率:85.7% 举报 1年前 dfgca 幼苗共回答了18个问题 举报 1年前 Gary631 幼苗共回答了20个问题 举报 1年前 追枫少年 幼苗共回答了3220个问题 举报 1年前 回答问题我十二岁:I am twelve years old 我是一名十二岁的男孩:1年前5个回答我十二岁 I twelve year old 为什么书上是I am twelve1年前8个回答英文好的进来中译英刚才被骗,被拿翻译工具直接翻译给我!:易建联1987年出生在广东,11米,他十二岁开始接受篮球训练,21年前1个回答英文好的进来中译英易建联1987年出生在广东,11米,他十二岁是开始接受篮球训练,2004加入国家对,2007参加选秀,1年前1个回答你的妹妹几岁了?她十二岁了.译成英语1年前4个回答你们全是十二岁吗用英语怎么说( )all twelve years old1年前1个回答过了十二岁就很难学英语了吗?1年前1个回答英语翻译我叫姚远,我的英文名是Dylan,我今年十二岁,我喜欢看书,我的家庭成员有爸爸,妈妈和我,我最喜欢的科目是语文,1年前1个回答英语翻译我叫Vera.我十二岁了.我很喜欢读书.我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色.我经常会迷路,所以,如果我迷路了,请你帮助我,英语1年前1个回答我十二岁用英语怎么说?必采纳,谢谢!1年前6个回答十二岁生日发言稿 要好的 500字的 优美的 有文采的 复制的不要哦~1年前1个回答英语过十二岁生日的请帖1年前1个回答一段英文的自我介绍大家早上好,我叫xxx,今年十二岁,爱好是:画画、玩百度贴吧还有游泳.我很普通,没有特长.是个b型血的1年前3个回答要一篇讽刺人的作文讽刺一个十二岁的,主要原因是他太喜欢骂我.急用1年前3个回答《梦想皆有神助》梦想皆有神助一位木材商的儿子,由于从小生得呆笨,人们都喊他“木头”。十二岁时,他做了一个梦,梦到有位国王1年前1个回答母亲的纽扣 阅读答案我十二岁生日的那天早上,母亲把我从被窝里拉出来,惊喜地送给我一样礼物.我很吃惊,长那么大,母亲还是第1年前1个回答帮写下作文有一个十二岁的女孩,因身为环卫工人的母亲生病,只能替母亲去扫街.结果女孩被誉为“最美的环卫工人”根据你的理解,1年前1个回答英语翻译我叫于子淇,今年十二岁了.我喜欢游泳、舞蹈、唱歌、看书、英语.我是一个多才多艺的女孩.今年上五年级了,过完这个暑1年前1个回答我的十二岁生日英语作文60词 过去时1年前1个回答你能帮帮他们吗求应用题解答格式,特别是多问题的,如果有其他的一一写上.不在乎是否原创,只在乎质量和速度!1年前绝对值小于3,且大于0的整数有______.1年前数学如何不计算错,我要的是怎样避免思维错误的方法1年前自制过滤器将10g粗盐提纯的具体步骤1年前找规律计算1/2+1/6+1/12+1/20+1/30+1/42+.+1/110=1年前精彩回答Go and have great fun! I will cope with_________you leave to me properly.1年前Excuse me, but can you tell me which road I should take to the post office?1年前甲、乙、丙三个试管分别注入同体积不同温度的水,分别放入相同质量的白磷(着火点为40℃),如下图所示:1年前Does this ever happen to you?1年前极限的四则运算法则求极限1年前

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写日记的时候一般开头用今天是几月几日,星期几,天气怎么样。这种可以说it's 12th march , tuesday , sunny ?是 这样写吗?还是每句都得带着“it is” 网校学员qzf**在学习《英语零基础直达大学六级【爆款特惠班】》时提出了此疑惑,已有1人帮助了TA。 网校助教清醒季smile同学你好,该知识点来自沪江网校《英语零基础直达大学六级【爆款特惠班】》的课程,想要更系统的学习,欢迎进入课程学习。不仅可以和更多的同学一起学习,而且还有老师、助教随时的学习指导和知识点解答哦。 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《英语零基础直达大学六级【爆款特惠班】》的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以报名参加课程学习。所有知识讨论内容,版权归作者及沪江网校所有。 以上知识点和讨论均来自沪江网校,点击了解课程详情

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve1:one(万)2:two(吐)3:three(思芮)4:four(f澳)5:five(f唔) 6:six(shei克思)7:seven(塞温)8:eight(诶忒)9:nine(奈嗯)10:ten(ten)11:eleven(一来问)来读一声12:twelve(涂艾唔)完、图、思睿、f奥、fai无、sei渴死、赛问、奶引、ten、以来问、跳舞1one 2two 3three 4four 5five6six 7seven 8 eight 9nine 10 ten 11eleven 12twelve

Hello everyone!My name is ~~.Now,I am 12 years old. I am from ~~.I am a student in NO.1middle school .I like football with my sister after school .I am good at drawing.And i am likelearning English.Ican speak very well!Do you want to make friend with me ? 译文大家好!我的名字是~ ~.现在,我12岁了.我来自~ ~.我就读于第一中学.我喜欢踢足球和我姐姐在放学后.我擅长于画画.我喜欢学习英语. 我能讲英语讲得很好!你想和我交朋友吧?am a native speaker from America. Hope this helps!I am young and I am proud. The ebullience of youth shines through me. My eyes are sparkling with happiness, my cheeks pink with excitement, and my smiles full of satisfaction. With youth, I can run around wildly; with youth, I can explore and experiment freely; with youth, I can be myself.Time is the most precious of all things. And I happen to own a lot of time.As a novice, I make mistakes. I correct them. And I learn to never to do that again. Youth gives me chances, youth grants me forgiveness.I am young.Every morning I look into the mirror and I think to myself, if today is the last day of my life, how would I live it?I would use all my mind and heart to absorb new knowledge. I would treat teachers with respect, parents with love, friends with care, and the needy with sympathy. I would live above and beyond myself.Yet I have many of these "last days". I have over 20,000 days ahead of me. I can be as successful as I want to be, as long as I follow my heart.I am young and I am proud. This is a big world. Being a person in the world is my glorious. We have to meet lots of options in the world, so we may lost ourselves.Sometimes we need some distructons release the bad mood.No matter how,by myself is a very important thing. Our mind is made of two parts,one is the right decision and the other is the error decision. We own the ability to make a right decision.We must believe it,so by myself is very important. Everyone dreams of successful, but if the hero never comes to you, if you need someone you're feeling blue, if you're away from love and you are alone, if you call friends and nobody you can find. You can run away but you can't hide.If you through the strom you can find be yourself is such easy. Finally, When the night are getting cold and blue, When the days are getting hard for you, as far as you be yourself and confident in yourself you can find everything will become more and more beautiful!fsfsss
