

1.当表示不确定的过去时间副词,如al ready,yet,ever,never,al- ways等作状语说明现在的情况时,多用现在完成时.例如:
  "Have you ever seen a wolf?""No,I've never seen one.""你见过狼吗?""没有,我从来没见过."
  Have you finished reading it yet?你读完了吗?
  I've already done enough harm to her.我对她的伤害已经够多的了.
  She went to Shanghai in 1978and has lived there ever since.她1978年去了上海,此后一直住在那里.
  He has been in prison for five years.他已被监禁五年了.
  3.当有一个表示"迄今为止"含义的短语作状语时,一定要用现在完成时.这类短语常见的有:so far,up till now,up to now,up to the present,until now,as yet等.例如:
  So far I have read only 30pages.到目前为止我才读了30页.
  As yet we haven't made any plans for our trip to Hangzhou.到目前为止,我们还没有做好去杭州的安排.
  Up till now,we have planted over 24,000 fruit trees.至今,我们已栽了24000棵果树.
  4.当表示最近的过去的词语作状语时,多用现在完成时.这类词语常见的有:in the last /past few years /weeks /days...,for the last /past few years /weeks /days...,recently,lately,these few days等.例如:
  I've only recently begun to learn Chinese.我只是最近才开始学中文.
  He hasn't had anything to eat for the last twelve hours.在过去的12个小时里他什么都没吃.
  It is obvious that enemy forces have built up greatly in that area in the last few days.很明显,在过去的几天里,敌人在那个地区集结了很多兵力.
  5.当用all day,all this year,all one's life,this morning /afternoon /week...这类表示一段时间的短语作状语,而且这段时间还没过去,仍包含现在时间在内时,要用现在完成时.例如:
  My father has repaired two bicycles this morning.今天上午爸爸修了两台自行车.(说话时仍是上午)
  My parents has lived in that small town all their lives.我父母一生都住在那个小镇里.(说话时父母仍健在)
  It(This /That)is the first time(that)...
  It(This /That)is the only /the first /the
  It is the third time she has been to Beijing this year.这是她今年第三次去北京了.
  This is the best beer that I have ever drunk.这是我所喝过的最好的啤酒.
  This is the only party that I've ever really enjoyed in my life.这是我一生中唯一的一次真正玩得开心的聚会.

qì jīn“迄”,普通话读音为qì。“迄”的基本含义为到,至,如起迄、迄今;引申含义为始终,如迄未成功、迄无音信。在日常使用中,“迄”也常做副词,表示竟,毕竟,终究,如迄未成功、迄无音信。

指从古至今,是一个时段。目前为止,到现在为止。也可表达为至今为止。迄:到 今:目前。[ qì jīn wéi zhǐ ] 例句:迄今为止,科学家仍然无法找到宇宙中存在外星人的有力证据。迄今为止,新诗的成就与缺陷一言难尽。然而由于年龄的关系,终于到了他必须从岗位上退休的时候了,然后已足够用来放松的这些浅显的休闲也许不再满足这位迄今为止还活跃的男子。

直到今天的意思。【简体】时至今日 【繁体】时至今日 【拼音】shí zhì jīn rì 【解释】直到今天的意思。 【近义词】迄今为止。
